Fuel Permitting and Support
In the realm of survey operations in Peru, fuel logistics often stand as a critical yet overlooked component, essential for project security and safety. Airborne geophysical surveys in Peru typically take place in remote areas, far from established infrastructure such as airports with readily available fuel. Due to the challenges in Peru, New-Sense Geophysics has established a fuel support company in Peru, LOGISTICAL SUPPLY OF PERÚ S.A.C.
- Remote Fuel Support Expertise: Survey projects conducted by New-Sense Geophysics often unfold in areas where remote fuel support is a necessity. LOGISTICAL SUPPLY OF PERÚ S.A.C. specializes in coordinating remote base fueling, permitting, and logistics, ensuring a seamless supply chain for fuel needs. Our legal team, in collaboration with helicopter contractors and local experienced logistics teams, manages the intricate details of fuel logistics.
- Compliance with Regulations: Different jurisdictions and environments come with varying regulations and requirements for fuel logistics, which may not always be managed by aircraft service providers. LOGISTICAL SUPPLY OF PERÚ S.A.C. is adept at navigating and complying with local regulations, ensuring that all safety requirements dictated by the local authorities are met.
- Strategic Site Selection: Our field scouts, part of New-Sense Geophysics staff, work in tandem with LOGISTICAL SUPPLY OF PERÚ S.A.C. to identify optimal locations for fueling. The goal is to minimize ferry distances to the survey site and to provide sites that align with local regulations and community comfort.
- Security and Safety Protocols: Once the remote fuel system is in place, stringent safety protocols are enacted. Personnel provided by LOGISTICAL SUPPLY OF PERÚ S.A.C., ensures the safety and security of the survey throughout its duration. All survey sites are reviewed and approved by government authorities (OSIGNERMIN) to meet the highest standards of safety.
LOGISTICAL SUPPLY OF PERÚ S.A.C. stands as a reliable partner in fuel logistics, ensuring that airborne geophysical survey projects by New-Sense Geophysics operate seamlessly and safely in remote and challenging environments. Trust us to navigate the complexities of fuel logistics, complying with regulations, and prioritizing safety to deliver successful survey projects.