Services Aeromagnetic surveying is one of the most common airborne survey... Magnetic Single Boom Stinger New-Sense Geophysics also offers a horizontal magnetic gradient stinger system... Magnetic Tri Boom Stinger New-Sense Geophysics has a towed array "Bird" for acquiring magnetic data with... Magnetic Towed Bird Radiometric surveys detect and map natural radioactive emanations, called gamma rays... Radiometric New-Sense Very Low Frequency Electromagnetics (VLF) is a geophysical ground probing technology... VLF Welcome to New-Sense Geophysics, where our commitment to delivering high-quality airborne... Project Management Our commitment at New-Sense Geophysics, is to deliver high-quality data in the safest possible... Project QA/QC At New-Sense Geophysics our commitment to excellence extends to data processing expertise... Data Processing In the realm of survey operations in Peru, fuel logistics often stand as a critical yet... Fuel Permitting and Support