

Peru is a country with diverse and varied topography, featuring a range of landscapes from coastal plains to high mountain ranges. Peru’s geology is diverse and shaped by its unique tectonic setting, resulting in a variety of landscapes and geological features. The country is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, known for its seismic and volcanic activity.

The central and eastern portions of Peru are dominated by the Andes Mountain range. Flying in Peru can present both challenges and opportunities due to the country’s diverse topography and varied climatic conditions. Peru’s altitude ranges from sea level to a maximum of 6000 meters above sea level.

New-Sense Geophysics specializes in high altitude airborne geophysics surveys, our helicopter and fixed-wing operators are typically trained on site and rigorously follow international aviation standards and regulations. Pilots are trained to handle the specific challenges associated with flying in a diverse and dynamic environment.

Since 2015, New-Sense Geophysics has an office and sister company in Lima, Peru (New Sense Geophysics SAC) headed by an internationally recognized legal team ready to deal with the complexities of the Peru legal regulations and requirements.  Remote fuel requirements along with on-site fuel equipment give New-Sense Geophysics an advantage while assisting clients.

More than 250,000 line kilometers l have been collected here by New-Sense Geophysics since 2007.

Peru Geological
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